Complex movement / São Paulo
Eisen, 150 x 120 x 110 cm, 2016
Kunstszene Zürich, Kunstverein Eierbrecht, 2018
During the three months stay in São Paulo a drawing was been made superimposed over the map of the city. Every point the artist stayed and rememberedwas marked and these points got connected with each other by a line. The origin of this work is the problem of orientation in a city which socially and geographically is very diverse. The rather confusing structure of the trafic ways of São Paulo is also amplified by the moving topography and the long distances. Inhabitants often can’t tell the cardinal points. There needs to be an help of imagination in order to move in the urban space. This imagination can’t be depicted as a real map.
The object Complex movement / São Paulo is a try to find a represenation of this imagination, a spacial overview of something practicly inperceptible. What comes out is a geometric and maybe also constructive three-dimentional object. The work stands in a strong connection
with the art video Ascending and Descending in São Paulo. It’s a filmed walk through different districts and shoppingmalls which shows the linear and at the same time mazy structure of the city. Of coarse every site in the film has a relation to a point of Complex Movement / São